ArchiveOctober 2006

Battlestar Galactica: Collaborators


I really don’t want this blog to become All Battlestar All The Time, but I can’t keep silent about the latest episode, Collaborators. It hurt to sit through it, but even so, I downloaded and watched it a second time this evening and came out thinking it’s a minor masterpiece. Further thoughts beyond the Read More link for those who aren’t afraid of spoilers.

Battlestar Galactica quote of the day


“Yeah, season 3 of Battlestar Galactica: Gaeta loses his cherry. […] I don’t care at this point. Man, woman, human, Cylon… I’d frak a daggit at this point. You know… just throw me a bone, guys.”
— Alessandro Juliani in David Eick’s Video Blog entry “Characters“

More Scotland


The best 100 photos from Scotland have been uploaded to my gallery. See them here. Also, Willem Lange wrote a couple of “Yankee Notebook” installments about the trip that are now available on his web site. It was really interesting to see a shared experience through another lens. The Wonders Never Cease in Scotland (Sept. 24, 2006) A Lovely Land, Fertilized By Blood (Oct. 1, 2006)...

Battlestar Galactica: Season 3 Premiere


Last Friday my friends Sarah and Matt hosted a Battlestar Galactica premiere gathering. Even though they had just moved into their new house the day before, they provided an amazing viewing experience for their visitors, complete with a huge widescreen projection TV that had been bought earlier that day! The show lived up to the setting. Maybe it was the seven month wait, but I could barely...

True romance


When I went to Scotland, I took two books with me. One was The Game of Kings, by Dorothy Dunnett — the tale of a noble rapscallion named Francis Crawford of Lymond who offends and/or fascinates everyone he meets while pursuing a mysterious agenda in 16th century Scotland. It’s a challenging and worthy beginning to a six-book series that in its telling travels far beyond the borders of...


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